Sunday, October 31, 2010

HAPPY HALLOWEEN. Take it easy on the candy.

I have been away from the blog for a LONG period..I have never been so busy in my life. But the blog keeps me fitness I have quite a few articles in progress and hope to post not too long from now.

I have been travelling to really interesting places..working full time, commuting, running a business and going to school. Like I have said before - getting fit gives me a lot of energy. I have to let some things go though. I came home to 595 emails. I did not want to delete them because I love learning and I often learn new things from the mail sites I have signed up for. Sadly I had to delete them but have made a commitment to keep up to date both in my blog and my email.

It is Halloween. Usually by now we have had many dozens of kids but so far only a few. It isn't raining either. I am hoping parents have educated their kids to eat clean :) but it is probably another reason they are not coming. People in our neighbourhood tend to live here for years - so maybe the kids are grown up.

The bad part is my husband insists on full size chocolate bars. The driveway is long and I guess he figures to walk all that way, the kids should get more than a tiny bar.

Left over chocolate is bad bad bad - I love chocolate but I can 'eat a square a day' and be satisfied. Unfortunately he can eat a box a day and then eat more. I am glad he is getting back to working out with his best friend tomorrow.

Long as he knows that to burn off ONE Caramilk or Peanut Butter Cup pack or pack of Smarties he would have to:

cycle at 8 mph for 1 hour
walk at 3 mph for 1 hour
run at 5 mph for 1/2 hour or 2 1/2 miles
bowl for 1 1/2 hours
hike uphill for 3/4 hour
jump rope for 2 hours
weight train medium intensity 1 1/4 hours

FOR EACH BAR or package!!!

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