Saturday, January 30, 2010









Friday, January 29, 2010


Metabolic syndrome AKA Syndrome X is a combination or grouping of cardiac risk factors resulting from insulin resistance (when the body’s tissues do not react normally to insulin). A person with metabolic syndrome has a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death. How would you like to be told that? I was. Lovely.

The most common fat distribution with this syndrome is the apple shape with upper body fat including a waist that pretty much equals hips and chest. A tube. That was me two years ago. Sitting on a time bomb perhaps.

The main causing factors are obesity with aging. Waist circumference is noted to be a significant factor which indicates visceral fat (fat around your organs including fatty liver – which is pre-cirrhosis really). Research studies observed that upper body obesity appeared to predispose to diabetes, atherosclerosis, gout and calculi (stones).

Interesting note: overweight horses can also get this syndrome known as ‘equine metabolic syndrome’ So if you have a horse and can’t get the saddle around the waist – be highly suspicious of weight gain and metabolic syndrome ;)

It is a syndrome of obesity with diabetes or pre-diabetes and insulin resistance, hypertension (high blood pressure) and high ‘bad’ cholesterol , blood clotting and lipid abnormalities.

The World Health Organization Clinical Criteria for Metabolic syndrome is:

Insulin resistance, identified by 1 of the following:
• Type 2 diabetes
• Impaired fasting glucose
• Impaired glucose tolerance
• or for those with normal fasting glucose levels (<110>

Plus any 2 of the following:
• Antihypertensive medication and/or high blood pressure 140 mm Hg systolic or >90 mm Hg diastolic)
• Plasma triglycerides >150 mg/dL =>1.7 mmol/L)
• HDL cholesterol <35>30 kg/m2 and/or waist:hip ratio >0.9 in men, >0.85 in women
• Urinary albumin excretion rate =>20 µg/min or albumin:creatinine ratio =>30 mg/g

Increased waist circumference may be a warning to check for the syndrome but remember that even slimmer women can have insulin resistance (these are most likely the 'fat-thin' people whose ratio of body fat to lean muscle is high).

This syndrome can be prevented and reversed. When we eat foods high in refined carbohydrates insulin levels surge to remove the sugar from the blood and to get it into the cells. For a period of time it works, but if your insulin spikes too often from a diet rich in high carb foods, particularly simple carbs, that cause excess insulin secretion, your cells respond by decreasing their reactivity and reduce the # of insulin receptors on the cell surfaces. This eventually prevents sufficient glucose from getting into the cells and allows more to stay in the blood resulting in high blood sugar. Basically cells are not able to receive enough glucose for energy which they need to function adequately.

Many women with insulin resistance have carbohydrate craving, fatigue, and weight gain. Fatigue because the cells are starving for energy because as mentioned they cannot get enough glucose; craving because your body is trying to get more carbohydrates for energy and weight gain because the sugar is not able to be adequately be utilized and is stored as fat. As you can see by the diagram at the top - it creates a cycle. This is an oversimplification but you get the picture.

Eventually the capacity to generate insulin properly is taxed and leads to type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is a major factor in metabolic syndrome.

Why is this happening?

In ancient times our ancestors were hunters and gatherers obtaining and eating whole foods and getting lots of exercise in the process of daily living and survival.

I for one sit on my butt all day and I was used to grabbing whatever I could eat, wherever I could - at fast food places or grazing around the office eating refined carbohydrates, preservatives pesticides, trans fats, toxins, and high fructose sugars. No wonder my insulin manufacturing system was wearing out.


Can you reverse this trend?


You are not going to do it with drugs or surgery though. You are going to do it much more naturally. (But please do not discontinue any medications without consulting your doctor. Once you reverse the condition your testing will reveal that you no longer need certain medications).

Earlier in this blog I mentioned when I was very obese I had this syndrome among other health concerns. I had tried reducing fat and sugar in my diet and took multiple mediations to control blood pressure, and cholesterol etc. The B/P meds ‘just’ kept my blood pressure at an acceptable level and though I tried every cholesterol medication available – they did not work.

One day when I went back for follow up for my high cholesterol, my doctor’s husband was covering (don’t worry he was also a doctor – at least I think so). He was not as nice as she was. He said there are no more medications to try. You are fat and you have to lose weight with nutrition and exercise. That is your only hope. Of course there was no advice offered by this lean runner on how an old fat woman should do this.

I tried but was so extremely short of breath when I did anything and had pain, was dizzy, felt faint and had a rapid heart rate. I was then put through a battery of tests which tied me up in the bottle necked health care system for two years. In the end I was just fat.

I tried for several years trying to lose weight by slowly increasing my activity and watching my nutrition and in the midst of it all I broke my ankle and was non-weight bearing for 5 months. I reached my heaviest weight ever. No surprise.

I finally hired a personal trainer to lead me through the maze of fitness information. With extreme determination on my part and patience on the part of the PT I achieved miraculous results.

I learned more by copious reading and became a huge fan of the Eat Clean Diet books by Tosca Reno.

During the process I found out how carb sensitive I was. I made sure to decrease my carbs, make them complex carbs and always have them earlier in the day as well as fill up on fibrous carbs. Avoiding anything white such as starches – like potatoes, white rice, and sugar (just listen to Tosca on the subject of sugar !).

I discovered on the rare occasion that I had bread or flour products that wheat had been causing my irritable bowel symptoms all those years. TaDa! Epiphany.

I could go into great detail about topics such as the GI diet but have decided not to because it is actually a complex issue and theory which is often misunderstood even by fitness trainers. It is best to stay away from complicated diet theories.

The best way to eat for most people is - simply. Eat as close to the ancestors diet as possible - avoid processed foods, eat natural whole foods.

The most important features to healthy nutrition are: eat 6 smaller meals each day, eat a combination of lean protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fibrous carbohydrates and you can't go wrong.

You are on a great journey to a new healthy lifestyle. I have been on mine for at least two years and I am still enjoying my journey. I have essentially become a hunter gatherer again with good nutrition and exercise.

Nowhere in the plan did I have gastric stapling, bypass, bands, fad diets, packaged diet foods, diet shakes or diet drugs.

Do things that way and you will not be healthy, you will retain your bad habits and you will have an unhealthy weight loss where your skin will not keep up.

Do things naturally with nutrtion, cardio and resistance training, sensibly and gradually losing weight, and your skin will keep up – natural plastic surgery.

I no longer have syndrome X, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance – whatever you want to call it. Everything is perfectly normal and healthy. I am not taking any medications.

But I stay this way by eating clean 90% of the time and making exercise a permanent part of my life.

If you reduce your weight to at least within 20% of your ideal body weight and incorporate at least 20 minutes of vigourous exercise per day into your lifestyle you can significantly reduce your risk factors.

The only other thing I have left to do, is coax the man of my dreams to eat clean too. It is a work in progress :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Interestingly my niece just posted in her blog on belly dance too. She has a belly dancer in one of her novels. She loves belly dance as much as I do. We both have been on a hiatus away from it for various reasons but our love of it is taking us back.

See what she says about it including the great work out.

Here are some links for more info on belly dance from two talented women.



Check out all the classes your local area. There are different types of belly dance. After you take a few beginners classes, look around and try them all out - most have drop in rates. Then once you find the style(s) you like you can zero in on those. All you need to start is your feet, a long roomy skirt or comfortable exercise work out gear and a coin scarf to tie around your waist. Before you know it no matter what your size you will lose your inhibition be exposing your belly as you learn abdominal rolls etc. The teachers and class mates teach you to love your body no matter what.

I tend to lean toward Bollywood and Tribal Fusion style dance.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have always loved to dance. Trouble is my husband has two left feet. We took a series of ballroom dance lessons 3 times and he was just as bad at the end as the beginning. I had my share of bruises to prove it.

He has activities that I don't care to participate in such as non competitive baseball and golf (we do have lots of others we share - so don't worry).

I decided that even without a partner I could enjoy dance. I took belly dancing (Bollywood and Tribal Fusion style) and loved every minute of it. Not only is it great cardio with the right class but great for the belly, you don't need a partner and it allows you to be sexy in a very artsy way.

During my fastest weight loss period, I was attending 3 classes (3 hours) per week and treating it as part of my fun lifestyle/cardio activities. The weight just fell off me. I actually had to significantly adjust the cardio part of my training to slow the loss to a more reasonable level.

I haven't been in quite awhile due to road conditions but will get back at it in spring.

If you watch the TV series "Dancing with the Stars" you will have noticed that any pudgy participants lean out significantly as the show progresses.

So if you want to add a great deal of fun to your fitness regime - consider a dance class - other alternatives are hip hop, jazz, latin etc. There are plenty of adult classes around.

And...this goes really well with tip #3 MUSIC to enhance and intensify your workouts. Remember increasing intensity gets better results.


If I pursue figure competition, I believe that is fairly self indulgent - it takes a lot of time, and money. Similarly those who are driven to complete triathalons and marathons need to have a great deal of family support because although it is an amazing feat, the time commitment for training is enormous leaving the rest of the family to fend for themselves.

What you are doing - getting healthy and fit IS NOT SELF INDULGENT.

You are likely used to putting yourself last, putting your house, car, children, job, spouse and pets first.

I am not telling you to abandon them.

Whether you are a missionary or a stock broker, you have to put your fitness and health first - here is why.

If you neglect your belongings, they lose their value. If you are obese, sickly, out of shape, unhealthy etc. eventually you will be no good to anyone else and might be a burden to them. Eventually when you can no longer look after them all - they will either learn self sufficiency or find another person to wait on them.

First as I mentioned in the "time" blog - you need to review how you spend your time. What can be eliminated - what can be changed or combined to make things more efficient? What can you delegate?

If you can afford it hire a maid service or housekeeping service either once every two weeks or once a month. I can't afford it so I use it as part of my 'cardio' activation plan to counteract my very sedentary job. I do ask my husband who is also quite time challenged to help in anyway he can. After all it is his house and his burden too. I don't feel guilty about my expectation.

Over time, consider downsizing your belongings using the 3yr, 2 yr, 1 yr plan. Even if you use only 15 minutes of precious time per week to start the process. If you have not used something for many months - put in in the one year pile - still not used in one year - get rid of it. For items that are typically used less frequently or are expensive move to the two yr or three year pile etc - once at the 3 yr limit - sorry but - time to have a garage sale or put it in the paper. Extra stuff causes extra work (but this is a long term plan not a short term one).

Incorporate your kids into the shopping and meal prep - you will get to spend time with them and they will learn good nutrition and self sufficiency.

Learn to say 'NO' to doing things you really don't enjoy. Politely of course. I don't golf but my husband would invite me to walk around the course (to be polite and include me). I decided I would rather watch paint dry. There are so many things I can do in 4 hours that I enjoy and it was not really quality time watching people swear at a little ball. And it was not good exericse for me.

So now I meet the group afterwards for the social part and use the 4 hours for me. Same with watching his non competitive ball games - not interesting or exciting and not a good use of my time. Again I meet with the group afterwards and I find listening to the play by play conversation, I don't really miss anything ;)

If you really think about it, you will find lots of time wasters and the time can be better spent on your health and your great new body.

And the interesting thing is, the trade off is that you are going to have so much more energy as the weeks pass that you will be able to accomplish much more anyway.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I can't stress enough that you need to set goals. Big ones, little ones, short term, long term.

Don't short change yourself and set too small a goal just because you think you might not make it and you don't want to fail.

I would not put a limit on what you want to achieve unless of course it is an unhealthy goal.

A fat loss contest will give you a medium term goal - one to be able to wear a swim suit on the beach in 8 weeks. There are plenty of them being offered on the Internet - usually free to promote the trainer who is looking for testimonials for his/her service or products. Fitness magazines and health web sites also offer similar weight/fat loss incentives. Eat Clean Diet has had a number of transformation contests.

What I would use this goal for is to promise yourself that you will follow a nutrition and exercise plan solidly for 8 weeks - no cheating - no copping out. That is not a long time and it will fly by.

Once you have changed your priorities, your eating habits and your exercise habits for 8 weeks, it will pretty much become a habit.

If you have stuck to it for eight weeks, you have made significant body changes and believe me there is no way you are going to stop and go back to old habits. You will want to go on.

Along with your eight week goal, have mini goals - something you can commit to doing for one day, one week, one month. Habits that you add to your new lifestyle one at a time.


If you are deconditioned you may be having trouble at first with your cardio HIIT intervals - lets say you are doing 8 intervals and you are at 3 intervals or you can't keep up the intensity for the required time. Make a goal to increase the interval by 10 sec or so at a time and/or gradually increase the number of intervals which will happen as your conditioning improves. Having goals will help you make sure you are progressing and measuring (to be covered later) will help you identify lack of progress and causes.

Other types of goals:

I will make out a workout schedule that fits with my lifestyle and stick to it. I will set my alarm to remind me and so that I do not procrastinate.

Today I will purge all the bad junk foods from my home.

This Sunday I will spend one hour planning my meals for the week. Then I will make a grocery list, shop and prep my meals.

Today is the last day I will eat butter - olive oil or other healthy fats for me.

I will buy a cooler and pack everything I need each day so that I am never caught without my planned meal.

I will not be embarrased to ask for a 'special' order in a restaurant. For example my favourite breakfast meal out is spinach feta omelete. I make sure that they do not put the potatoes or bread on the plate and ask for sliced tomatoes instead. I eat half and have the other half for another meal. I am not embarrased to trouble the server to bring me a side of low fat milk for my coffee instead of cream. I ask for a side salad - no cheese - no dressing to have with it. They rarely charge extra. In return, I make sure I tip for the service.

Today I will make sure I get plenty of servings of veggies and fruit.

I will always eat a complete protein with my carbohydrates.

From today forward I will not eat fried food - grilled BBQ baked or steamed only.

Monday I will try green tea instead of coffee.

By Tuesday I will be drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day.

By next week my pants are going to feel looser.

For every two inches I lose I will buy one new outfit.

Today I will stop going to drive thru on my way to work - I will enjoy a healthy breakfast at home.

I will take my loose clothing to a consignment store and swap it for a better fitting outfit. I will not keep my large clothing 'in case I fail.' I will take 'fail' out of my vocabulary and replace it with 'I will get back on track.'

I will measure my progress - for each inch I lose or each 5 lbs I lose (for example)
I will reward myself - please don't reward yourself with unhealthy foods! - try a manicure, massage, pedicure, have a sexy weekend away with your significant other, or go to a movie (no crap popcorn tho) or do something you love.

I will take up some fun fitness activities (try dancing!)

These are just examples. You will have your own goals. Your own ideas of how you want your body to look and how you want to feel.

Author's Note:
One of my short term goals in 2008 was to get rid of bat wings and remaining excess fat in 8 weeks to attend a special event. The event was cancelled but I met my goals and have maintained. I would have to say that adding the three classes of belly dancing per week as well as a few intervals to my cardio program sped up the process. And...I had so much fun!

Monday, January 11, 2010


I have been reviewing the dates of bodybuilding competitions for 2010. While I was at it I found a lot of the links to the bodybuilding organizations world wide which give the detailed competition rules for various venues. I have only attended the IDFA Amateur and Pro Competition in Toronto and the Western Canadians. Attending and watching is educational and crucial to a new competitor. Knowing the dates of the appropriate competitions helps you plan your season or your year - counting backwards to figure out where you should be with your physique and when.

There were many many competitors (females... mostly in the figure category) very few in the fitness category. My best advice is be ready or wait until a future competition - the competition is fierce.

Note that not all competitions have grandmasters division in figure competition. Go to individual sites for categories, divisions and rules.

Some of the bodybuilding competitions and organizations in Canada and elsewhere:

ABBA Alberta Bodybuilding Association
BCABBA (British Columba Amateur Bodybuilding Association)

MABBA Manitoba Amateur Bodybuilding Association

FCPAQ Federation de Culture Physique Amateur Quebecoise

NBPFA New Brunswick Physique & Figure Association

OPA Ontario Physique Association
SABBA Saskatchewan Amateur Bodybuilding Association
NLABBA Newfoundland & Labrador Amateur Bodybuilding Association

Other Info: site gives info on introduction to bikini division by CBBF and new rules

CBBF only federal Canadian org which awards/qualifies IFBB Pro Cards in Canada

CBBF categorizes masters as over 40 and grandmasters 50+. Note: It may differ with various organizations.

2010 competitions (some of them)
Western Canadians – May 22 2010 Kelowna BC

Northern Classic TBA (2009 was in Fort St John)

BC Provincials July 24 (usually in Vancouver)

Sandra Wickham Fall Classic TBA (usually in November – in Vancouver)

March 27th 2010 Annual Fame West

Neutron competitions
East Coast Natural Classics
Ms Fitness Model East Coast

MEMSPORT Athletics Women’s All-Strength & Fitness Challenge Kamloops BC
March 2010 Date TBA
Vancouver BC

Apr 10 2010 UFE Spring Bash –

Apr 11 2010 UFE Bikini & Fitness Model Showdown London Ontario Canada

Apr 17 INBF Canadian Natural Bodybuilding & Figure Classic Calgary Alta

March 27 2010 13th annual FAME West Vancouver
May 2010 IDFA Calgary Classic Natural Bodybuilding, Figure & Fitness Model IDFA Pro Qualifier –

May 8 UFE

May 15 2010 IDFA Natural Novice Classic – Toronto

May 22nd FAME East Montreal

June 5 UFE Showdown –

Provincial Natural Championships & Ms Fitness North Eastern Canada Ottawa Ontario Canada

June 19 IDFA Montreal Classic

July 10 IDFA Toronto Classic Natural Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships IDFA Pro Qualifier and Pro show – Toronto http://www.idfa/ca

July 24 West Coast Natural Classics Ms Fitness West Coast Canadian Ms Fitness Model West Coast Vancouver – Qualfiier for Ms. Fitness World http://www/ also check out

Aug 7 Canadian Natural Nationals – qualifier for Ms Fitness world Oshawa

Oct 9 IDFA Eastern Canada Classic Natural Bodybuilding, Fitness & Figure Championships – IDFA Pro Qualifier Montreal

Oct 23-25 IDFA Western Canada Classic IDFA Pro Qualifiers Calgary Alberta

Oct - Fame Canadian National Championships LOCATION/DATE TBA

Musclemania Toronto

Nov 6 IDFA Canadian Classic Amateru & Pro –Toronto

Nov 13 UFE national championships Hamilton ON – over $60,000 cash prizes

Other Organizations:
Northern Physique
United States Bodybuilding Federation
World Natural Sports Organization
International Natural Bodybuilding Federation
World Natural Bodybuilding Federation
North American Natural Bodybuilding Federation
Midwestern Bodybuilding Federation
Alaska Bodybuilding, Fitness and Figure
Ultimate Fitness Events
Ohio Natural Bodybuilding Federation
Australian Natural Bodybuilding
USNBF United States Natural Bodybuilding Federation
International Natural Bodybuilding Association of Canada
IDFA International Drug Free Athletics

The IDFA has branches all over Canada and the world

Comprehensive list of organizations

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Well.....another reason to lose fat and get fit in 2010.

President Obama wants all travellers entering the US to have 2ndary security checks. In Canada they were only used if there was a question at security level one - e.g the wand alarms and removing clothing does not address it or other suspicions.

If travelling to the US, Canadians can choose pat down/frisk or body scan.

Body scan: apparently the radiation from the scan is 1/10,000 of that in a cell phone so I figure that it is fairly safe. I am just glad that I graduated from obese with baggy clothes to fit as the scanner shows the outline of the rolls of fat etc. As a privacy protection apparently the person reviewing the scanning film does not see you and it is promised the scans will be deleted immediately as soon as they are examined and found to be benign.

Frisk/pat down. Boy for the first time ever this happened to me in the US travelling from Seattle to Vegas. The screw in my right shoulder kept setting off the alarm even tho it had not in any other airport after numerous trips. I showed them the scar but was pulled aside and in front of the entire world (at least those at the airport) I was physically searched albeit by a female officer. Even tho she was polite and professional, I felt thoroughly violated.

I will be choosing body scan.

I think it is a waste of time as 99.9% of the travellers are like you and me. The ones that mean harm will be hiding the items in their body cavities as the scanner or external searches will not detect cavity items or terrorists will find new ways of creating havoc.

It is interesting that in the case of 911 as well as the most recent episode - there was blatant info and intelligence and it still happened. What has been gained by this reponse? The terrorists have frightened our leaders into a knee jerk reaction and gotten the attention and fear they want. Although from watching President Obama's video on the subject he has more far reaching plans for homeland security than that and I am not sure what Canada has planned to address security - pitifull that watching Canadian news all I have seen so far is the superficial stuff like scans and searches. Of course our Canadian security may keep the more detailed info to themselves and - secret.

By the way Canada has put scanners in 9 airports at a cost of $250,000 each. I am not sure what the maintenance and upkeep is.

I will agree that carryon policies should be changed. For me carryon is more of annoyance and customer service issue than a risk issue. I have stood on the steps of a plane freezing many times while passengers clog the aisles trying to squeeze their numerous carryons in the overhead bin.

I think that other than a money belt with velcro straps that no carry on should be allowed. However, recently on the news a Canadian couple returning from New York were made to remove their camera (worth $3000) and put in luggage. It was gone when they reached their destination. So the airlines should be providing locked boxes at check in with two keys somewhat like a safety deposit box. The flight crew will have he 2nd key to pass on to the ground crew - I will let them figure out the logistics :)Yep probably more lineups at the airport - guess the lesson is travel light as far as jewelry, cameras and other valuables are concerned. There airlines will also have to figure out something for those travelling with kids.

Several years ago I travelled in Canada for 36 flights. On flight 32 in cleaning out my purse I was alarmed I had been carrying a multi tool with good sized blades and cork screw etc for 32 flights without detection. I quickly removed it and on flight 33 had nail clippers removed from by bag - go figure.

So back to my point.If you want to look good for "virtual nakedness" for Canada's scanners - get fit for 2010! At least then something positive will come out of it :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Magic Bullet for Weight Loss - Nutrition

Ok. So here is the part you have been waiting for right? The magic nutrition formula. Hmmm.

Nutrition is supposed to be 80% of the solution to obesity.

At the beginning of my weight loss journey "Be patient" I was told. I was to watch portion size and just do not eat CRAP. This is apparently a PT nutrition term. Keep a journal. Oh yeah - sitting on my @$$ writing a journal is going to help me keep my goals and lose weight.

Funny thing happened. I soon realized the journal was not for the trainer to later scold me on my eating habits. It was for me. The "Hawthorn Effect" was alive and well! There was a study which resulted in a conclusion that when people are studied or observed, they change their behaviour.

There was no point in lying in my own journal - that would just be ridiculous. I did not want my trainer to think I was eating garbage - so I started making better food choices. (The Hawthorne Effect). The most important thing was that instead of mindlessly eating on the run, I paid attention to everything going into my mouth. It was quite the awakening. I also wasn't eating because I was hungry or because I enjoyed the food I was eating. I was eating without much thought.

Once I submitted my journal - I found that although I was now making better choices, I was not eating often enough, not eating breakfast and not realizing the hidden salt, sugar and fats and chemicals.

I advised the PT that if I needed to follow a special meal plan I would not have time to cook two different meals - one for JFK (my husband - junk food Kevin) and one for me - what about I sign up for one of those preplanned pre-packaged weight loss program food plans. NOT! He pointed out, why would you want to change your life to become healthy and fit and pour CRAP into it. Those meals are able to stay on the shelves a long time for good reason - preservatives and chemicals. Basically it does nothing either to retrain you to a better nutrition plan. Although it probably gives guidance on portion sizes - tiny little amounts of food though for big bucks.

As I was using this excuse I had an epiphany. My husband is a mature adult who choses his own lifestyle. We both work full time and why is it up to me to feed him? Well he had never asked me to. I just had assumed the responsibility. It was time to un-assume the responsibility. After all, anyone can cook ahemm....crap.

I was struggling quite a bit with what on earth to eat. Although this new eating style was great, I was so ingrained (literally) in the old diet that I was at a loss on what to eat. Luckily through reading Oxygen Magazine I learned about Tosca Reno and the Eat Clean Diet Book. I liked it so much that I bought it over and over for friends.

So.. when you are including others who have not yet found the god of nutrition you can often make a healthier version of the recipe for you and separate ½ for the other person to add their poison.

Sometimes just following a very simple meal plan that repeats itself often enough to make it efficient is not really that much different than how you used to eat. Just less starch and more fibrous and complex vegetables and leaner protein. Generally we eat the same cycle of foods anyway.

The most important thing I learned during weight loss was PLANNING.

Tosca is big on prep and planning as well as always being prepared. I picked Sunday which worked well for me to shop, prep and plan meals for the following week with a freshen up day on Wednesday. The other thing I quickly practiced was carrying one of those padded coolers with a shoulder strap everywhere including work - I always have a healthy snack at my finger tips to avoid drive-through and other non nutritious eating habits when I am hungry and there are limited healthy food choices available.

I guess books have to have the term‘diet’ in them to find them in a bookstore but I really don't think of it as a diet. Diets set you up for failure. It is a slow steady education to change your nutritional habits to long term healthy ones. If you go on a restrictive short term diet - you lose weight briefly then pack it back on because the 'diet' is impossible to maintain over the long term. Or it is so restrictive that you binge. Or most of all because in your mind it is 'temporary' and was not a lifestyle change. Dieting particularly yo yo diets mess up your metabolism.

You will find that slowly educating yourself and making small changes and adopting them as permanent over time, watching portions sizes, avoiding obvious garbage, and eating 6 times per day (3 smaller meals and 3 snacks) you will no longer be dieting but chosing a long term eating habit. Your metabolism will fire up. Yes that is right - eating often keeps your metabolism working better. BUT don't graze - I mean don't eat all day long - have meals and be done with it till the next meal which is soon enough. You will never be hungry. You will never get bored - the options are endless.

You will feel terrific. You will look terrific. Your skin will glow; your hair and nails will be strong and healthy. You will look sexy and shapely so why would you go off it? You will find that as soon as you eat badly - you will self correct immediately. After eating clean the impact of bad foods is so immediate and obvious in how you feel that you will mentally associate it with bad and not want to do it. Trust me. I am not saying you never will eat crap. Sometimes I get cocky and I think I'll bet this little bit won't hurt - I do it - feel horrible and then don't do it again for a long time because it makes me feel so terrible. Soon the short term satisfaction will be overcome by the preference to feel well.

I see lots of people who binge then just do a lot of cardio to wear it off. I even used to work with a diabetic nurse who binged on forbidden foods and just took more insulin to counteract it. Is this a good idea? Never. Although you can burn off the calories from the bad foods with cardio, the long term accumulative effect to your organs, blood vessels, cholesterol levels, blood sugar/insulin mechanism and general health won't be reversed with exercise if you continue to make bad food choices.

You can pretty much start right away with better eating habits:

-Drink plenty of water.
-Always eat breakfast.
-Eat 6 smaller meals a day. Three meals and 2-3 snacks. At first you might want to try cutting your meal in half and eating the second half in 2-3 hours.
-Make sure each meal includes: a lean source of protein, a complex carb, a fibrous carb and a healthy source of fat.

I limit starchy carbs to before 2 pm. For dinner I just have protein and fibrous carb - e.g. grilled fish and salad and spinach or asparagus. I eat raw cabbage often as well as add it to soups and salads - I really believe it has weight loss properties. Not to mention how much fiber it adds. My last snack of the day may be celery with natural peanut butter; humus and veggies; low fat cottage cheese and veggies, almonds; low fat yogurt with berries; granny smith apple with natural peanut butter or almond butter etc.

I don't really care for starchy foods anymore and the fatigue and bloating that results - so I have to eat a lot more fibrous ones to get my calorie intake up. Or eat only a bit and for sure with protein. THIS IS NOT THE AT---S DIET. AT---S is high in fat (not good fat -it almost encourages putting butter on your bacon) - it does not stress quality protein - e.g the highest yield of protein for the least amount of calories and healthiest level of fat per gram of protein.

BEST FRUITS in my mind from a fiber and antioxidant perspective hands down, are berries. But do some research on insulin resistance and glycemic indexes etc. If you are having berries, or any other fruit - have it with protein to avoid the blood sugar surge. The only other fruit I eat on a regular basis is granny smith apples or sometimes pomegranites.

DONT DRINK FRUIT JUICE - it is just a concentrated form of the fruit including sugar and you miss out on the fiber and who knows what other components of the fruit is lost in processing - eat the damn fruit - a little more work but worth it.

1/2 cup probiotic low fat vanilla yogurt and 1/2 berries - strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries etc.

Granny smith apple - core then slice into 6 equal pieces - make 3 sandwiches with a total of 1 1/2 tbsp of organic natural (no sugar or salt added) peanut butter. For some reason tastes like a candy apple. MMMM.

Humus and anything - celery, yam chips, veggies.

You can also eat 10 nuts such as almonds (unsalted natural) when you have a piece of fruit.

I do carry protein bars for emergencies on rare occasions - I use the Myoplex light and I don't eat a whole one - I eat 1/2 with lots of water. You can get them at GNC. Ok for once in awhile and a tasty sub for a chocolate craving.

I only use PROTEIN DRINKS sometimes to feed muscles after doing a heavy workout - remember beverages can contain a lot of calories without satisfying hunger for long.

DONT EAT ANYTHING WHITE. Ok maybe a little probiotic yogurt, low fat cottage cheese and some milk in your coffee - substitute brown rice for white, yams for potatoes, either avoid bread altogether - or have a small amount of 'ancient grain' whole grain bread. Eliminating bread tho even for awhile as well as pasta will make a great impact on your weight loss. (Try slicing zucchini into ribbons and only very lightly steaming them so they are still crisp and make your own plum tomato sauce and try to aleviate your pasta urge this way - don't forget to add a low fat cheese for protein - or some other form of protein - you can also make zucchini lasagna or use eggplant).

EAT GOOD FATS BUT STILL IN MODERATION. My favourites: fish (for omegas), avocado, flax oil, olive oil, safflower oil, walnuts. I am not a fan of canola oil - I believe it is a man engineered plant - I heard it is insiduous and acts like a weed choking other plants - but it seems to cause IBS in me - so I use olive oil and safflower oil and occasionally peanut oil. I am pretty sure canola is widely used in restaurants. Both JFK and I race for the bathroom when we come home from restaurants and I have always wondered if this is the culprit. It isn't the garlic because I use tons of that at home and that doesn't bother me. There is a book called the Thrive Diet that a niece introduced me to. I really enjoy reading it - especially the research the author has done but I don't follow it because I find the recipes too complicated and the ingredients too exotic for me right now - as I mentioned I enjoyed reading some of the theories including how we have engineered wheat for flour etc for better yield, better gluten etc and basically our bodies have not adapted well which may explain the number of people who suffer from IBS from consuming it.

May be right.

You may want to read Tosca Reno's Eating Clean Diet. I can't say it any better than she can that is for sure. She provides some meal plans and recipes. She also addresses eating clean for those on a budget.

Interestingly after eating clean for while, I am now instantly tuned to what foods really make me sick, feel tired or cause IBS.

DIET POP. I may have had 4 diet colas in a year - used to drink 2-3 per day. It is full of garbage. How else do you think something with one calorie can taste so good? Not to mention I have clearly identified aspartame as one cause of my IBS. The sodium! - on the rare occasion I have had a diet cola - within hours I have ankle edema (swelling). Dont drink diet pop. You will retain lots of water weight. Drink water - flavour it with a lemon or lime slice. Citrus helps with cleansing and weight loss.

The IBS triggers for me are anything wheat, aspartame, some dairy products, msg, cannola oil. Relieving triggers of IBS have given me the flattest stomach ever. So it wasn't just fat but a lot of bloating as well. Eat clean and then slowly add back some of the eliminated stuff and see what really is not healthy for you.

Complex carbs - yams, brown rice, quinoa (high in protein), whole grains etc - you can make a very tasty brown rice pilaf with a vegetarian or low salt no msg chicken broth, nuts, onions, peppers, celery, garlic and spices.

OATMEAL is an essential complex carb for me. I have a mix of oats, nuts, dried fruit, cinnamon, protein powder. By using vanilla protein powder, dried fruit and cinnamon I don't need either a sweetener or milk and I just add water. I preprepare and put in a zip lock bag and cook up as needed. It is a great form of fibre, and is cholesterol lowering as well as filling.

Use your imagination to change your favourite recipes to a healthier version. I have a few recipes here in the recipe section and will add more as I get around to it.

Take your glasses to the supermarket and ALWAYS CAREFULLY READ LABELS (the print is so small). Often prepared, canned or packaged foods contain salt or sugar or fat or msg so it tastes good or why would you buy it again? Remember the first ingredient is usually the highest content.

Try to always cook from scratch. But if you make my lentil soup from canned beans/lentils - buy Eden or other low sodium product and rinse them prior to adding to the recipe. Raw lentils cook up quickly so you don't really need to buy the canned - no soaking involved.

Spice it up - I will cover that later - very briefly spice reduces the need for salt and often spices have health benefits. Some of the hot spices are thought to increase metabolism and burn more calories. Cinnamon and other similar spices reduce the need for sugar in many recipes.

Lastly - watch those fad diet ads disguised as news articles. Anything that promises huge benefits over a very short period should be thoroughly investigated. In some cases all you have to lose is your money. In other cases it may affect your health. Research pros and cons or better yet don't go there! A lifestyle change with good nutrition and physical activity wins every time.

My basic groceries necessities: whole eggs, egg whites, quinoa, oats, cinnamon, dried cranberries, berries (fresh or frozen, oregano, thyme, cumin, nuts (natural unsalted), seeds, sage, onions, garlic, spinach, asparagus, yams, fish, tomatoes, low salt canned plum tomatoes, avocado, zucchini, cabbage, low fat vanila yogurt (probiotic) as well as low fat plain yogurt, protein powder, glutamine, celery, low fat cottage cheese, low fat low sodium feta, parmesan cheese, romaine lettuce, cukes, any colourful veggies particularly those in season, beans (all kinds), low sodium, msg free vegetable and/or chicken broth, healthy oils, organic no added sugar or salt-peanut butter, lemons/limes and lemon juice. Occasionally ancient bread, spelt bread. I stay away from flours but I am exploring other types such as rice, almond. Lean meats.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


The one thing everyone can do to immediately make a difference in calorie intake is to change drinking habits. I am not necessarily referring to alcohol.

Many people drink their way to obesity. How? By drinking 500-1000 additional calories daily with their beverage choices.

Fruit juices: Drinking fruit juice instead of fruit. Read the labels - pure fruit juice is not really pure but reconstituted from concentrate. Having a glass of fruit juice gives you a huge caloric/sugar jolt in a short period of time without the health benefits of eating the whole fruit. Some research indicates that the vitamins in fruit may be absorbed because of the nutrients in the whole fruit including the skin or pith so you may be missing out on the essential nutrients provided with the whole fruit.

Gourmet coffee drinks. I know people who consume 2-4 of these pricey beverages per day. Google search any well known gourmet coffee place adding the search words 'and nutrition' and see how many calories are in these drinks! And this is without adding extra sugar.

Flavoured water: water is the healthiest beverage around. Why add calories and flavouring - stick to lemon or lime slices.

Smoothies: yes you can make or buy nutritious smoothies however, a research study concluded that when we take in calories in the form of liquids we consume more calories in a day because dietary compensation is weaker than for solid foods - in other words the liquid does not appear to satisfy our body's caloric need or hunger and we still duplicate the calories with solid food. Unfortunately although these drinks do not satisfy our caloric cravings they do satisfy our thirst so it will also decrease our water consumption.

Alcohol: this info would not be complete without a comment on alcohol. When people diet they often still consume alcohol but switch to a 'lower calorie beverage' but they miss that the effect of alcohol goes beyond the number of calories in a drink. I must admit I was recently intrigued by the ads for a beer that only has 67 calories per bottle until I researched a bit further.

Alcohol (regardless of the caloric value) reduces the amount of fat you burn because:
- it increases appetite - severals studies have shown significant increase in meal calorie intake when using alcohol
-lowers testosterone (a muscle building hormone) levels for up to 24 hours.
- increases cortisol (a muscle wasting hormone)

Apparently the damaging effect of alcohol on hormones is even worse if exercising before drinking. Interestingly many people involved in fun sports activities follow it up by going with the team to the pub for drinks and appies. I guess the psychology is that if you have worked so hard at play you have earned the booze and eat fest. But if you are trying to lose fat or build muscle be the DD and eat a healthy moderate meal.

The effects of alcohol on metabolism.
- a small portion of the alcohol converts to fat
- the liver converts most of the alcohol to acetate
- the acetate is released into the bloodstream and replaces fat as a source of fuel.

So remember, alcohol has a greater negative effect on fat loss than simply the number of calories in the drink!

If you want to make a real difference in your caloric intake and fat loss, begin very simply by having a critical look at your beverage intake and water up!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 promises about fitness

If you have made a promise to yourself about getting healthy and fit in 2010 or about changing direction in your current fitness program, then report in to someone.

Make long range goals (reasonable ones) for the year but include shorter goals such as weekly or monthly mini goals as well.

Sure, keep a journal if it helps you but make sure that you communicate your goals and objectives to someone else in writing - either your partner, a fitness companion, friend or relative - someone who won't mind you reporting in to them on a regular basis about which goals you are reaching, and which ones you are having problems with. Make it a person who will ask the right questions such as whether your goals are too unrealistic or who will ask you why you are having problems if you aren't reaching plan. It will help keep your goals and objectives clear and your promise serious.

I will be setting up my plan and reporting in to my husband by email. So..... step one is to make my plan achievable. If I exceed the plan - well that is simply a bonus!