Saturday, January 16, 2010


I can't stress enough that you need to set goals. Big ones, little ones, short term, long term.

Don't short change yourself and set too small a goal just because you think you might not make it and you don't want to fail.

I would not put a limit on what you want to achieve unless of course it is an unhealthy goal.

A fat loss contest will give you a medium term goal - one to be able to wear a swim suit on the beach in 8 weeks. There are plenty of them being offered on the Internet - usually free to promote the trainer who is looking for testimonials for his/her service or products. Fitness magazines and health web sites also offer similar weight/fat loss incentives. Eat Clean Diet has had a number of transformation contests.

What I would use this goal for is to promise yourself that you will follow a nutrition and exercise plan solidly for 8 weeks - no cheating - no copping out. That is not a long time and it will fly by.

Once you have changed your priorities, your eating habits and your exercise habits for 8 weeks, it will pretty much become a habit.

If you have stuck to it for eight weeks, you have made significant body changes and believe me there is no way you are going to stop and go back to old habits. You will want to go on.

Along with your eight week goal, have mini goals - something you can commit to doing for one day, one week, one month. Habits that you add to your new lifestyle one at a time.


If you are deconditioned you may be having trouble at first with your cardio HIIT intervals - lets say you are doing 8 intervals and you are at 3 intervals or you can't keep up the intensity for the required time. Make a goal to increase the interval by 10 sec or so at a time and/or gradually increase the number of intervals which will happen as your conditioning improves. Having goals will help you make sure you are progressing and measuring (to be covered later) will help you identify lack of progress and causes.

Other types of goals:

I will make out a workout schedule that fits with my lifestyle and stick to it. I will set my alarm to remind me and so that I do not procrastinate.

Today I will purge all the bad junk foods from my home.

This Sunday I will spend one hour planning my meals for the week. Then I will make a grocery list, shop and prep my meals.

Today is the last day I will eat butter - olive oil or other healthy fats for me.

I will buy a cooler and pack everything I need each day so that I am never caught without my planned meal.

I will not be embarrased to ask for a 'special' order in a restaurant. For example my favourite breakfast meal out is spinach feta omelete. I make sure that they do not put the potatoes or bread on the plate and ask for sliced tomatoes instead. I eat half and have the other half for another meal. I am not embarrased to trouble the server to bring me a side of low fat milk for my coffee instead of cream. I ask for a side salad - no cheese - no dressing to have with it. They rarely charge extra. In return, I make sure I tip for the service.

Today I will make sure I get plenty of servings of veggies and fruit.

I will always eat a complete protein with my carbohydrates.

From today forward I will not eat fried food - grilled BBQ baked or steamed only.

Monday I will try green tea instead of coffee.

By Tuesday I will be drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day.

By next week my pants are going to feel looser.

For every two inches I lose I will buy one new outfit.

Today I will stop going to drive thru on my way to work - I will enjoy a healthy breakfast at home.

I will take my loose clothing to a consignment store and swap it for a better fitting outfit. I will not keep my large clothing 'in case I fail.' I will take 'fail' out of my vocabulary and replace it with 'I will get back on track.'

I will measure my progress - for each inch I lose or each 5 lbs I lose (for example)
I will reward myself - please don't reward yourself with unhealthy foods! - try a manicure, massage, pedicure, have a sexy weekend away with your significant other, or go to a movie (no crap popcorn tho) or do something you love.

I will take up some fun fitness activities (try dancing!)

These are just examples. You will have your own goals. Your own ideas of how you want your body to look and how you want to feel.

Author's Note:
One of my short term goals in 2008 was to get rid of bat wings and remaining excess fat in 8 weeks to attend a special event. The event was cancelled but I met my goals and have maintained. I would have to say that adding the three classes of belly dancing per week as well as a few intervals to my cardio program sped up the process. And...I had so much fun!

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